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Skin health isn’t just about topical care. Overall, your diet, health and lifestyle have a tremendous effect on your skin. Healthy skin care should address a holistic approach that includes good hydration, nutrition, mental wellbeing, and a regimen that supplements your body's natural processes. To understand why, we must have an idea of how the skin functions.


Simply stated, your skin is the largest organ of the body. It is comprised of three layers: the epidermis (outer layer), dermis (inner layer) and subcutis (base layer). This understated organ functions as a protective barrier, eliminates waste, regulates body temperature and facilitates the sense of touch.  


The epidermis is made up of keratinocytes, which grow upwards in layers of cells that die and flake off as they reach the surface. The visible, outermost layer, called the stratum cornea, is made up of dead cells that shield the tender skin underneath. Intercellular lipids within the Keratinocytes and stratum cornea are responsible for healthy barrier function. This vital lipid barrier layer is perpetually depleted during the cycle of cellular life and death. Factors such as diet, hormones, climate and topical skin irritants, interfere with the skin's natural rhythm and further stress the lipid barrier, leading to dehydration, dryness, blemishes, premature aging and other damaging skin conditions. 


We understand you
at a cellular level

Mature woman with healthy skin holding an avocado up to her face

As we age, it takes longer and longer for our skin to repair itself and replenish its lipid barrier. Depending on your age, it may take as long as 5 to 6 weeks - the time it may take for new skin cells to make their way to the surface - to see meaningful effects on the skin. However, immediate improvements in the appearance of the epidermis can be achieved by topically replenishing essential lipids within the barrier layer and applying hydrating emollients and occlusive products to the stratum cornea - plumping up dead cells, making skin look firmer, preventing loss of moisture and protecting against external stressors.


The dermis plays a critical role in the overall health, texture and appearance of your skin. Blood vessels within the dermis supply the epidermis with nutrients and oxygen, which are essential for the formation of healthy new cells. These nutrients are supplied by the nutrient-rich foods you consume. Fibers of collagen and elastin are two proteins produced in the dermis. They are responsible for the strength and flexibility of skin tone and firmness. The dermis is where both topically applied and internally consumed ingredients can have the most profound impact - resulting in stronger, healthier cells at the surface.  


Recent studies show that skin cells have a circadian rhythm and that the critical functions your skin performs, are controlled by a time regulator. This smart, inner clock acts like an on-and-off switch and controls skin cell activity, telling it when to start renewing, or when to stop DNA repair, for example. This is a compelling discovery for skin care treatments and application practices.


​Our topical and wellness-from-within products are designed to work with the renewal process of your body's anatomy and its circadian rhythm, or chronobiology. They are designed to be used strategically, to synch with your body's rhythm, for 24-hour care. They are preventative and reactive solutions that improve, maintain, protect, and enhance the skin's layers. Our products care for you - inside and out - with adaptogenic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatories, essential, nutrient-rich lipids, and collagen and elastin boosters and mood enhancing ingredients that: 


  • strengthen the protective barrier layer

  • supplement nutrients and boost immunity

  • fight damaging stressors that break down collagen and elastin

  • enhance your state of mind


Simply put, our products work with your body's own system of care to support you at every age!    > Body Health


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