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Invitation To Inner Calm

Writer: rue Santerue Sante

Just Breathe.

Finding your calm in a time of unprecedented crisis may seem like an impossible task, more so when preventative measures lead to feelings of isolation. Hear this: You're not alone. We're all closer than ever. Never before has the whole of humanity been unified against one common enemy quite as effectively as the present. We're united in our thoughts, our fears, our hopes and our desire to prevail. 

Be Mindful

As individuals, there is much we can't control. Shifting our energy to what we can control - our consciousness, our thoughts, our moods - that's what makes all the difference in how we feel minute to minute. We can help with that. Our mindfulness-based self-care™ rituals and mindful acts are designed to focus your awareness and your efforts on creating moments of comfort and care so you can breathe, relax and find peace.

The Home Advantage

Sheltering in place may prevent us from our usual habits, haunts and favorite pastimes, but just think of the numerous times you've said "I wish I could stay home today" be it from school, work, or dreaded event. Now that parents, teachers, bosses and even the government are telling us to stay home, let's think of all the things we've ever wanted to do with time at home and make the most of it.

To inspire you, follow us on Instagram here where we're sharing a series of mindful acts to help you maximize and enrich your time at home. We're also giving away weekly self-care prizes to participants and local first responders. We're in week three of our giveaway series and this will continue for every week that we're mandated to stay at home (following Washington State ordinances) or the first week in May, whichever comes first. Visit past post topics in the links below.

Mindful Acts

Stock-up On Essentials

As you're stocking up on critical supplies, don't forget about your self-care. Stress-relief is essential to maintaining mind and body wellness and that's what self-care is all about. Take advantage of our special self-care promo below, which we've extended through May 4th, and check out our newsletter here for additional offers and new product announcements including our new hand sanitizers, now available in aluminum bottles for ease of transport.


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